话题 2:伯沙岛交通指南
伯沙岛(Besar Island)就像一个世外桃源,有时你会觉得整个海岛就像是你的私人岛屿。 因为大岛是近年来最火红的海岛,人流量不会太多,如果你在平常日去大岛玩,真的好像是在自己的私人岛哦~ 伯沙岛那无边无际的大海,蓝蓝的天空,白白的云朵姐姐,细柔的沙子,它的一切一切都会让你沉醉在其中。 想要知道怎么去伯沙岛? 教你3种方法去到伯沙岛,你可以坐巴士,汽车还有搭飞机。 接下来我会详细写下交通指南,让你更轻松简单了解怎么去伯沙岛。 1. 巴士 巴士是去伯沙岛最好的方法,也是最受欢迎的。 便宜而且方便。 到达巴士站是丰盛港巴士总站(Mersing Bus Terminal)或者丰盛港码头(Mersing Jetty)。 从巴士总站步行去丰盛港码头大约10分钟。 飞机飞行时间&路程时间 如果从吉隆坡到丰盛港码头,需要4-5个小时。 从新加坡出发比较近,大约需要 3.5 小时。 2. 汽车 自驾去伯沙岛是个不错的选择。 你可以在去往大岛的途中,去一些出名的景点玩,或者找一些当地美食。 你可以在去往大岛的途中,去一些出名的景点玩,或者找一些当地美食。 丰盛港码头有收费的停车场,每天收费RM 18。 飞机飞行时间&路程时间 从吉隆坡出发,大约需要4小时的车程。 柔佛州出发就比较近,少过2个小时就可以到达哦。 从新加坡出发,你需要大约3小时才能到大岛码头。 3. 飞机 最靠近伯沙岛的飞机场是士乃机场(Senai Airport),代码是JHB。 在你抵达机场后,你需要坐的士,Grab去到丰盛港码头。 飞机飞行时间&路程时间 从 吉隆坡KUL 到飞往柔佛JHB 大约需要 55 分钟。 可是从士乃机场去码头很远,车程大约2小时。 因此,不太推荐搭飞机飞往伯沙岛。 总结一下 去伯沙岛,推荐2种交通办法,坐巴士去或者自己驾车去。 1) 坐巴士最经济实惠,也可以在旅途中睡觉休息,适合背包客 2) 自己驾车,可以随时随地出发,中途休息也很自由,最适合一班朋友或者家人一起 3) 不推荐坐飞机去伯沙岛,因为机场距离码头太远了。 […]
Pulau Besar vs Pulau Aur
Aur Island and Besar Island are two hidden gems of Johor Malaysia. They both have marvelous beaches, clean gorgeous blue water and white sand beaches. This article will compare Aur Island and Besar Island in different aspects. Hope we could help you choose your next vacation island. Environment Both Aur Island and Besar Island are quiet, […]
Besar Travel Guide
Besar or Tioman
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Pulau Besar FAQ
Pulau Besar is a heaven for ocean lovers. It’s a very relaxing island. Pulau besar is perfect for a short getaway with families. Pulau Besar Location Besar Island is an island located in the state of Johor. Pulau Besar Jetty Depart from Mersing jetty. Transport You need to get to Pulau Besar’s jetty by yourself. […]
5 Reasons to Visit Pulau Besar
Pulau Besar is a small but very beautiful island in Johor. It is a very nice island with friendly people around. Below are the top 5 reasons why people love Pulau Besar. Natural Besar Island is more pristine and natural than other local islands. It retains the most original, natural views. It is surrounded by […]
Things To Do in Besar Island
The tranquil Pulau Besar allows you escape the hustle and bustle of the city. The scenery and beach on the island are the most unforgettable. Besides of the stunning views, there are plenty fun activities in Pulau Besar as well. The abundant activities is one of the reasons why people love visiting Pulau Besar. 1. […]
Pulau Besar Package
Pulau Besar is a great place to get away from the busy city lifestyle for a short holiday. The water is so clear and clean, and it is not crowded at all. The transport methods to Besar island is simple. You can enter Besar Island from Mersing Jetty by taking speedboat. There are several resorts […]
Best Resorts in Pulau Besar
Pulau Besar is a stunning place with clean beaches and amazing views. It’s picturesque with rich sea life around, such as beautiful corals and reef. There are 3 transport methods to get to Pulau Besar boarding Jetty—-Mersing Jetty. It consist of only 4 accommodations in Pulau Besar. All resorts are very closed to the beach. […]